April 19-20, 2024
Alaska Medical Imaging Conference
Registration is Now Open!

Welcome to the premier collaborative event, the Alaska Medical Imaging Conference hosted by the Alaska Society of Radiologic Technologists and the Alaska State Ultrasound Society.
Each year, Radiologic Technologists and Sonographers gather for annual meetings to
earn continuing education credits and network with vendors and individuals in their
profession. In 2024, The AKSRT’s annual meeting and AKSUS’s spring conference will
be combined into one event.
Schedule of Events
Thursday Night Mixer - Marriot Anchorage Downtown
Friday April 19
7:00-7:50 Registration and Breakfast
7:50-8:00 Welcome and Overview
8:00-9:00 What Ever Happened to That One Patient?
D. Chase Rogers, M.D.
Joint Topic 1.0 CME
9:00-10:00 Bringing Radiology into the World: Global Health
Opportunities for Technologists, Therapists,
Anne-Marie Lugossy, MPH, BHsc, RT(R)ARRT
Joint Topic 1.0 CME
10:00-10:30 Vendor/Mingle Break
10:30-11:30 Ultrasound of Superficial Masses
Timothy Ryan, M.D.
1.0 CME
10:30-12:00 Legal Issues Involving Healthcare
Amy Doogan, J.D, RN
Joint Topic 1.5 CME
12:00-1:00 Lunch - Employer Job Board
1:00-2:00 ARRT Standard of Ethics
Sandra Hayden, M.A.,R.T.(T)ARRT
1.0 CME
1:00-2:00 Healthy Sonographer
Rick Sanders, BBA, RDMS, RVT
1.0 CME
2:00-3:00 Making X-rays Smarter: Advances in Artificial
Intelligence in Radiology
Rob Fabrizio Fujifilm. 1.0 CME
2:00-3:00 Fetal Congenital Heart Disease, the 20-week
Anatomy Scan, & Fetal Echocardiograms
Kevin Kollins, MD - Pediatric Cardiology
1.0 CME
3:00-3:30 Vendor / Mingle Break
3:30-4:30 The Role of Imaging in Radiation Therapy
(CT, MRI, PET, Ultrasound & Surface Guided Radiation Therapy)
Sandra Hayden, M.A., RT(R) ARRT
Joint Topic 1.5 CME
3:30-4:30 Fetal Growth Restriction
James Barber, DO
1.0 CME
4:30-5:00 Award of AKSUS Student Grant #1
Friday Vendor Romp Winners!
Saturday April 20
7:50-8:00. Welcome and Overview
8:00-9:00 Contrast Enhanced Mammography:
Enhancing Lesion Conspicuity & Visibility
Kathleen Lott, RT (M) 1.0 CME
8:00-9:00 The Radiologist Assistant - RA 101
Elizabeth Eslich, MRS, RRA, RT(R)(V) ARRT
Joint Topic 1.0 CME
9:00-10:00 Enhancing Patient Care through Expertise:
Case Studies in Radiology Technology
Edson Knapp, M.D.
1.0 CME
10:00-10:30 Vendor / Mingle Break
10:30-12:00 Department of Health Radiation Program
Irene Casares, Alaska Radiological Health Physicist
Joint Topic 1.5 CME
10:30-11:30 Evaluation of Carotid Arteries with
Luis Garza, RDMS, RVT, CCT+, VCTT+
1.0 CME
12:00-1:00 Lunch
AKSRT Business Meeting
Scholarship Award
1:00-2:00 Transforming Radiology with Artificial
Intelligence: Opportunities and
Challenges - from the User Perspective
Edison Knapp, MD
Joint Topic 1.0 CME
2:00-3:00 ARRT Continuing Qualification
Sandra Hayden, M.A., R.T.(T)ARRT
1.0 CME
2:00-3:00 Overview of Mesenteric Stenting and
Analysis of In-Stent Restenosis Duplex
Velocity Criteria
Aaron Jonathan Barnes, MD RPVI
1.0 CME
3:00-3:30 Vendor / Mingle Break
3:30-4:30 Imaging of Rotator Cuff Disease
Timothy Ryan, M.D.
Joint Topic 1.0 CME
4:30-5:00 Conference wrap up
Thanks to all our Sponsors Award of AKSUS Student Grant#2
Saturday Vendor Romp Winners!
$15 daily Valet parking
$24 overnight parking
Additional Rooms Available
Four Points by Sheraton Anchorage Downtown
325 West 8th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501
For out-of-town guests, book airfare through Alaska Airlines and receive a 7% discounted fare.
Use Code: ECMK274

For questions, please email us at: alaskamedicalimaging2024@yahoo.com
